Friday, November 15, 2013

Reflections On Moving Forward

As I'm in the process of writing a new spoken word piece titled "Let Go," check out my other reflections on using the past to move forward.

From Same Page To Different Book

What happened to that acquaintance who exclaimed "Let's hang out!",
Then never responded to my text?
How about that co-worker who confined in me when his Dad was dying,
Then never brought up anything personal again?
Why did she say she wanted to date,
Then start dating someone else?
Lost connection. Miscommunication. Not worth it.
I need to know where I'm losing people.
Why do first impressions matter if the long term isn't valued?
I need to love and be loved.
And so do you. Just not by me.
My ego wrestles with practicality:
I'm not as desirable as I hoped.
I was a fad, mistake, or someone to hold you over
Until you found an acceptable support system-
I was tolerated.
What hurts the most is
We had a connection that meant more to me than you.
I am embarrassed at being left out in the cold
When the door was propped open just a feeling ago.
And I'm sorry,
The careless "I've been super busy" excuse
Doesn't work on me.
You take time for what is important.
In the moment I was important,
But being convenient is emptying.
So as I mourn my loss,
I force gratefulness on your gain.
Thank you for the connection we shared before you
Found more meaningful relationships to pursue.
My only regret is taking our moment
For granted by assuming
It would never stop.

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