Every Friday evening, I've been posting a new Spoken Word piece on YouTube. Here's one I originally wrote senior year of college (2008) titled 'American Dream.' Click here to watch the others.
And here's a newer poem...
White Flag
I loved to play!
Whatever the majority wanted to do in Pre-School, I was down.
You don't discuss when you're 5,
You do.
Flexibility was essential.
(Sweat pants trump jeans at that age)
It wasn't until middle school that everyone started tip-toeing on
social glass,
Desperate to find their cliques-
A term disguised with the more justifiable term “friends.”
But “friends” limited interaction and stunted a learning curve-
It forced me to make decisions based on the viewpoints I borrowed
from my parents.
If I didn't find my tribe, I'd be alone:
The most human of fears.
I had to conform to the game for survival.
As soon as labels defined me, joy shriveled.
The closed door of judgement wasn't unlocked, it was unhinged.
Day and night transformed into black and white with the command:
“Choose one!”
By high school debate was advertised as a positive
And we were told if we did not vote, we were neglecting civic duty.
Bitterness and political divides created what my preadolescence
Had only seen in Disney movies:
An enemy.
Breathing has become difficult.
I will put a stop to this fight:
It is past due to give up my right to an opinion.
It doesn't make friends.
I can't stop thoughts- but they're not as valuable
As my ego wants to believe.
My beliefs have created walls.
I want to bring people together, not divide them.
I want to play again!
No more cliques!
You are a people-pleaser, Michael-
Help them be happy to be alive!
People's respect and admiration is more important voicing
A selfish idea that will anger.
Being silently ridiculed is not a feeling I envy.
I surrender.
My sweat pants are going back on.
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